We went to Zions this weekend!! It was a great time. We went with Jessica my sister and stay in her mother-in-laws condo. I love when we do not plan the vacation and just go, because that way there is no expection to be met. This is the family as you get into the park. We took the first pull off in the park and started to take some pictures.

Because we had a newborn with us we did some time to just stroll through the park. When Gracie had to eat we all just pulled over and took more picture. It was a beautiful day there and we had tons of fun.

We did take a hike up Emerald Pools. It was 1.6 mile hike to the top fall and Sadi my three your old did the whole thing by herself. We did not take it very fast just a three years old pace and had a blast. Some this when you go at that pace you relize how beautiful everything is. This is the kids on the rock on our way up to the first pool! As you can see Gracie is in the picture with the help of her mom, Jessica.

More pictures of the kids on the way up to the upper pool!!
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