Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Newpaper article on Jake Eagle Project!!

Eagle project to bring map, history to Herriman cemetery
By Crystal Liechty
5 days ago6 views
Jake Peacock, 12, wanted to do an Eagle Scout project that he could be proud of – something he could tell his children about years later. So when he realized the Herriman City Cemetery, 12465 South Pioneer Street (6000 West), didn't have a map detailing where each headstone was, he knew what he needed to do.
"I noticed the Herriman cemetery had no organization of where everyone was buried," he said.
Jake is no stranger to cemeteries. He and his family often visit them to connect with long-gone ancestors and to learn about family history. Even though they have no relatives buried in the Herriman cemetery, Jake's mother, Jennifer Peacock, still likes to take the family there to get a sense of history.
"We frequent cemeteries on Memorial Day and go through all the generations so the kids know. In Price, we can count back five great-grandfathers," she said. "In Herriman, you can't find out where people are buried. There's no map. If you want to see a gravestone, you have to go up and down every row of the cemetery."
Jennifer Peacock noted that the Herriman cemetery is a great place to visit if you're interested in ancestral history. "It's unbelievable," she said. "They have World War I and World War II veterans and this very tall statue that has poems on it and just a lot of little things."
To solve the Herriman cemetery organization problem, Jake is planning to make a map of the gravestones, detailing the name of each person buried there, their date of birth and date of death and whether they served in the military. Part of the project will be determining if people who have purchased plots are planning to be buried in them or if they purchased them for someone else. But he's not stopping there.
"We've also proposed to do a pavilion with cement underneath it and a four by eight foot glass casing to put the map in," Jennifer Peacock said, adding that Jake is also planning to find out and detail the history behind the cemetery.
"He's already talked to [Former Herriman Mayor] Lynne Crane and learned about how it began as a plot of land outside of Fort Herriman. It was a couple of acres donated by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints so they could bury people nearby but still outside the fort," she said.
Herriman City is planning to donate the funds for Jake's project, and his troop mates in Herriman Troop 1237 are planning to help with some of the work. Herriman City Manager Brett Wood will oversee everything.
"I'm really excited to do it," Jake said. He began work in early April and is planning to unveil the finished project at the Herriman Memorial Tribute Ceremony, Monday, May 30. Until then, he is hoping to gather more information on the history of the cemetery. Those with information or stories can email him at peacockfamily5@gmail.com with the subject line: Attention Jake's Eagle Scout.
"An Eagle project should bring the whole community together and this one really does," Jennifer Peacock said. "This will be something that will be around for a long time; something Jake can show his children someday."
CAPTION: Jake Peacock, 12, is planning to make a map of all the headstones in the Herriman City Cemetery and unveil the project at the city's Memorial Day celebration, Monday, May 30.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Post Post....that is what I have not done is quite a longgggg time. It just seems like my days go to fast and the time gets away from me. I need to stop and smell the roses....but do not forget I have kids and they need me to drive them to their activities and school and scouts and baseball and softball and activity days......so there is my excuse. My sister is now starting to blog again and she is doing it for those of us who live in Utah and she is in Washington. So this is also to help my far away family to see what my family is up to!! To start my week off we had an ortho appt for Jake, when I first arrived there with no make-up on and my hair a mess thinking I would not see anyone at the ortho appt that I knew...there was my husbands cousin and she was put together so well. Not even one hair out of place. I love those days when I look great but they are far and few between. We all have our moments and that was not a pretty picture. For my defense I just had a chemical peel done and my face looked smooth and nice, but still no make-up on and hair a mess. Next time I will look GREAT! But that is beside the point, Jake gets to have his braces off next appointment. yipee! One child done with braces. He is so excited that his dipples did not go away for several days. It went by so fast, and I know that because I had my on for 5 and 1/2 years. It did not help that we moved to a different state in the middle of having my braces and it did not help that we did not get to the appointments like we were suppose too. Oh well, I am just glad that Jake is getting them off. Sage and Sadi are still off track and keeping me company at Barbara home. We went and saw HOP today and LOVED it. We recommend it to everyone.